Sonja Corbitt
Sonja Corbitt is the Bible Study Evangelista and creator of “the best modernization of lectio,” the LOVE the Word® Bible study method and journal. A best-selling author and Telly Award-winning broadcaster, her weekly radio and television shows and a variety of other unique approaches to Scripture create space for busy Christians to hear and experience God through the scriptures.
Sonja writes for Magnificat magazine and the Ascension Press blog, and widely among other internet outlets. A lively and frequent guest on a variety of national television and radio shows, Sonja studies with Holy Apostles College and Seminary, home schools, and lives with her husband and boys in Tennessee.
What's an "evangelista"? Find out at, where you can also catch her newest study series on St. Joseph as Prophet, Priest, and King of the Holy Family.

Sonja Corbitt is the Bible Study Evangelista. Her Scripture study resources are created with you in mind—bites of spinach that taste like cake—to help you create a space in your busy heart and schedule for God to love and lift you all the way up into His great lap.