LeAnn Thieman
Nurse, Author, Speaker Hall of Fame
LeAnn Thieman is a nationally acclaimed professional speaker, author, and nurse who was “accidentally” caught up in the Vietnam Orphan Airlift in 1975 when she helped rescue 300 babies as Saigon was falling to the Communists. Through God’s grace, she endured and is living proof that God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things.
By sharing her amazing adventure and stories from her book Chicken Soup for the Soul, Living Catholic Faith, she proves her conviction that, just as God led her to Vietnam, He leads us all when we trust His guidance. Her presentations fill people with hope and love, nourishes their souls, and deepens their faiths.
LeAnn has authored 13 other Chicken Soup for the Soul books, including Chicken Soup for the Soul, A Book of Miracles, and Chicken Soup for the Soul, Answered Prayers. She has been featured in Newsweek Magazine’s Voices of the Century issue, on FOX-TV, BBC, NPR, PBS, PAX-TV’s It's A Miracle. In 2008 she was inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame.