General Registration Details

To register online click here:

Registration Pricing:

  • Early bird special for Friday & Saturday, March 27 & 28, is $30 per person before March 19

    • Registration after March 19, is $45 per person

  • Special price of $15 for high school and college students

  • Religious Sisters are free

WINE Members enter promotional code to receive discount. To receive promo code, email your membership level to (Example: I am a WINE Aficionado.) To become a member, visit WINE Membership

NOTE: Tickets will not be issued for this event. Once you register, your name will be added to our attendee list and a name tag will be printed for you to pick up on the day of the conference.

Donations for scholarships are greatly appreciated.

Advance registration required - Sorry, no refunds after March 19, 2020

A little inside scoop...all WINE events to date have sold out, so you may want to register now! We also encourage you to please pray about inviting a friend or three. You’ll be amazed at the power and impact of a prayerful invitation!

Registration Information

Registering more than one person?  Be sure to include the names and contact information of all additional attendees in your registration so we can print them a name tag for conference check-in. 

Scholarships:  Scholarships are available for women in financial need.  To request a scholarship, please send an email to

What is included in the cost of registration?

  • Nationally acclaimed keynote speakers

  • Praise & worship music

  • Opportunity to pray with prayer teams

  • Catholic Vendors (shopping!)

  • Welcome bag

  • Fun snacks

  • Fabulous lunch

  • Chocolate...there's always chocolate at WINE events!

Parking is free!

Read other Frequently Asked Questions Below....

Women's Conference FAQs

What is WINE: Women In the New Evangelization?

WINE is a creative and inspired national ministry to invigorate women's groups and parishes through encouraging, supporting, and nurturing women in the Catholic faith and by equipping and mobilizing women as intentional disciples of Christ.

Through much prayer, the women who have come together from around the country to form WINE, came to understand that whereas the Lord said to St. Francis, “Rebuild my Church,” for such a time as this, the Lord is calling to women, asking us to work in the beauty of our natural gifts as women, and is saying to us, “Heal my body.”

We are called to build the kingdom of God by using those special gifts and charisms He has given to us for that exact purpose, and right now, the body of Christ is battered, bruised and broken, and the Lord is asking you to help heal His body. Will you? He is asking you to nurture His body. Will you? He is asking you to build up His body by working in your gifts—gifts given to you for such a time as this!

To learn more about WINE and how you can become a member and help grown this life-transforming ministry, visit (WINE is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization dedicated is to meet women in their need and to nurture, encourage, and support them on their journey.)

What is the WINE: Catholic Women’s Conference?

The WINE: Catholic Women’s Conference is a unique event designed specifically for all Catholic women– married, single, and consecrated. 

Sponsored by WINE: Women In the New Evangelization, a national Catholic women's ministry, the WINE: Catholic Women’s Conference is the perfect opportunity for women to gather to be refreshed and renewed in their faith. For the past four years, WINE has hosted a WINE: Catholic Women's Conference in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, each year selling out with over 1,200 participants. In 2016 & 2018, WINE worked with the Archdiocese of New Orleans to hold two very successful NOLA WINE: Catholic Women's Conferences. In October of 2017, WINE partnered with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to hold the first ever National Catholic Women's Conference, which sold out weeks in advance at 1,250 people! In September 2018, we held the first ever WINE: Catholic Women’s Conference in New Jersey! On March 1 & 2, 2019, WINE celebrated our 5th annual WINE Conference in Minneapolis and our 1st WINE Conference in Baton Rouge! Conference locations in 2020 include Minnesota, Hawaii, and Alabama.

Throughout the day, various speakers address Catholic perspectives on current news and issues affecting women and how we, as women of faith, can respond with an authentic feminine presence to transform every aspect of life and society. Each year has a specific theme designed to emphasize one of the many aspects of life as a Catholic woman. In addition to Mass, keynote presentations, and breakout sessions, women will have the opportunity to go to confession, pray with prayer teams, visit the various exhibit tables, and meet other Catholic women from throughout the area and beyond. Leaving this event, women will be renewed in their unique dignity and mission as Catholic women and be better equipped to bring the light and joy of the Gospel to their families, communities, friendships, and the world. 

If I am not Catholic, can I still come to the conference?

Absolutely! All women are welcome to the WINE: Catholic Women’s Conference. The speakers will be dynamic and thought-provoking and our prayer will be restful and renewing. Even if you are not Catholic, many of the themes we will discuss at the conference will be relevant for you because we will be talking about the truths that are universal for all women. We hope that you will join us in seeking to discover the truth about who we are and in doing so, to find the path to true flourishing. 

Who should attend the WINE: Catholic Women’s Conference?

There will be something for everyone at the WINE: Catholic Women’s Conference, so all are invited! The speakers will direct their remarks so that they are applicable and relevant to women in all three states of life – married, single, and religious. 

Who are the speakers for this conference?

We are pleased to welcome gifted speakers to lead the WINE: Catholic Women’s Conference, selected for their expertise on our conference theme. To see topics, photos, and biographies of these presenters, please visit our "Speakers Page."

What is the cost for this event?

Registration for the Saturday WINE conference, which includes the all-day conference, a welcome bag, entertainment, a fabulous lunch, door prizes and a few surprises is $40 before the early bird cut-off, and $55 after the cut-off. The cost for religious sisters, consecrated women and students is $20.

So gather women together from your parish, school, neighborhood, gym, WINE group, ACCW group, Rosary group, Walking with Purpose group, ENDOW group, Bible Study, Catholic Women of the Chapel ladies, etc. and join us for a day of renewal, encouragement, growth, and transformation! Limited scholarships are available in cases of financial need. Please send an email to

How can I help spread the word about this event to my friends?

We have prepared flyers, email blurbs, website banners, and more for you to easily use. To access these resources, visit our Promotion page.

Where can I stay if I'm going from out of town?

The following hotels have set aside blocks of rooms for WINE participants: